Saturday, November 13, 2010

Visiting Montgomery

Written by Adam Braunschweig & Stuart Klein

Pictures from the memorial outside the Southern Poverty Law Center

Yesterday we went to the Southern Poverty Law Center. We learned about how different people who have lost their lives in the struggle for civil rights. During the time we spent at the museum we learned about all the different hate groups and the reasons why these people got murdered by them. Some hate groups that we've learned about were the KKK and the Neo-Nazis.

It is important to learn about the civil rights movement because the teachings of hate is still going on today. The reason why it is good to learn about this is to teach people about the rights of others, and no one should be hurt or killed for what they believe in, or what race they are. As Jews we are very close to civil rights since it has affected us for so long. Jews have been victim to discrimination and have been hurt simply for what we believe in. The Southern Poverty Law Center taught us about all the people who have died fighting for civil rights. Their fight has really touched our lives.

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